My doctor has recently been encouraging that I get my exhaust pipe rotor rooter-ed. Not because my body is showing any signs of concern in that area but because it is now regular medical procedure. I have always thought that when someone says “up yours” it is a nasty thing, not an ordinary ‘regular’ thing. The fact that many people become infected and die in hospitals is well known as is the resent exposure of the large number of colonoscopies which missed the tumor they were looking for. That combined with the number of gays working in hospitals that may see my exhaust as an arousal area was enough to avoid my doctor’s invitation. Then as the sales clowns on TV say… wait there’s more!!!
Here is the latest from the VA hospital:
“Veterans face HIV risk from hospital pumps
After discovering that water pumps for colonoscopies were not properly cleaned, the VA said there is a slight risk of HIV or hepatitis infection.
Thousands of veterans who underwent certain routine medical procedures at Miami's VA Medical Center are at risk of being infected with hepatitis or HIV, the hospital announced Monday.
The revelation drew intense criticism from South Florida congressmen and the concern of veterans who hope a visit to the government-run health center has not compromised their health.
At the center of the fears are water pumps that are regularly used during colonoscopies and gastrointestinal procedures, said John Vara, the Miami VA's chief of staff. The hospital discovered March 4 that the pumps -- which are attached to the tubes used in the procedures -- were being rinsed but not disinfected. This, Vara said, creates the slight chance that back-flow from the pumps could lead to serious or potentially deadly infections”.
If it’s not broke don’t fix it is a good rule of thumb. The doctors know how to remove body organs but don’t really know how they work. If they remove something you can live without they say all is well and make money in the process. Bottom line, people die in hospitals due to their number being up so don’t increase the odds by agreeing with everything the ‘experts’ say you should do. They are in a business that does not give a bonus for the number of people that walk back out the door, only the number that walk in.