Written by:
2/13/2009 1:13 PM
The process is in its infancy - with no guarantee it will reach maturity - but there is an effort behind-the-scenes to link the various TAT sites together.
As web technology advances it forces us to pay attention and occasionally shows us better ways of doing things. How's that for a disclaimer?
Actually it can be interesting if you have a mind for such matters. If you do, you might already have your own site. If you don't, at least it can be said you are a consumer of web services.
The increasing use of the internet over the last few years, even by spiritual devotees, has enabled a much wider distribution of the ideas of Richard Rose. TAT members are widely dispersed geographically and we see each other infrequently. But we're able to stay in touch more closely with the internet.
Yes, too much reading is listed as a common obstacle, as is the use of technology. A "media fast" is even recommended for the week preceding TAT intensives.
Have I further disclaimed this sufficiently?
One of the challenges in spiritual work is to focus on the most helpful path, which means screening out a mountain of material. This is part of the reverse-vector process. On the other hand, there are people within TAT who have made considerable efforts towards condensing their findings, and making these writings available on their own sites.
One of the purposes of Albigen.Net is to help newcomers to the system access the material provided on those other sites. To be honest, I wasn't even aware on 10% of this material until I began this project, and locating the material is a much smaller accomplishment than practicing the recommendations contained in it.
So all this is leading up to a discussion we may have someday - the possibility of linking the TAT websites together technically using RSS or other file formats. This will enable each website administrator to reach readers of all the TAT sites simply by updating a file on his site.
As the first-born example, you can read the Pittsburgh meeting schedule for the coming month from the PSI page on Albigen.Net. This page pulls information from an XML file Art controls on his site. The file on Art's site can also be accessed by RSS readers, if you're familiar with that technology.
Other works are in process. This post will be updated when the next one is finished. UPDATE 2/17/09 - SearchWithin.Org in now participating, and can be seen here.
The possibilities of this kind of interconnectedness are unlimited, other than by the amount of time and work needed to implement them. The bottom line with respect to Albigen.Net is that you, if you are a webmaster, and if you wish, will be able to publish information on this site, the page on this site being updated automatically by an edit you make to a file on your own site. As a reader of this site, it means you can be automatically updated when there is a change to any of the TAT sites (if they choose), so you can quickly be linked to their new material.
As a primer on RSS, you may find the following links helpful:
RSS at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_(file_format)
RSS Explained at WhatIsRSS.com: http://www.whatisrss.com/
RSS 2.0 specs at Harvard: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html