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Mar 6

Written by: ghar
3/6/2009 4:40 PM

These words are worth observing how and when they appear, you may be surprised!!!

When used as either an answer to a question or as a precursor to your statement, you demean both the listener and the value of your message. It is a sarcastic word.

Avoid or minimize negatives. The exception is if you fix pain and problems – then start with the positive words. E.g.” I help you relieve back pain.”

“I think” or “I guess”
Watch out when tagging these limp phrases to the end of your statement. It suggests lack of confidence and steals your credibility.

“I wouldn't hesitate to recommend”
The two negatives at the beginning of this sentence steal the power from the endorsement. Try, “I suggest”, “I strongly recommend” or “I recommend”

“If you will”
When tacked on the end of a statement you appear to be begging or condescending.

“What we call”
This is making excuses for your jargon. Either don’t use the jargon or use it – then explain it.

“Anyways” ,“Actually”, “basically”
These are meaningless words. People use these as a transition when they don’t know how to conclude. Instead - pause.

“OK?”, “right?”
When used at the end of a statement this is reminiscent of a teacher scolding children.

“Moving on”
When you use this phrase to move on – it implies that what was discussed before was a waste of time.

“We do” instead use "I do"
Too many start with this phrase. “Do” is a boring non-action verb. Action verbs provide immediate movement.

Any noun ending in “…tion”
Communication, information, stylization, construction, exasperation…
Those are nouns that are meant to be verbs. Use action verbs – not the three and four syllable nouns. That is boring and unclear.

“You guys”
This phrase is too colloquial. You might call a bunch of buddies this but not business associates. Just use the word ‘you’.

“To tell you the truth” or “To be honest with you”
Although this might sound positive – the implication is that up to this point you have not been telling the truth. If someone else inflicts this on you – you could respond with, “I am glad you finally started speaking the truth”.

“I don’t know if you”
This is a negative start to your statement. It implies that you think your listener is ignorant. Just state what you have to say.

“For those of you who don’t know”
As previous, instead use “as you might know”.

“No problem” This phrase seems to be replacing “you’re welcome” among younger folk. Every time I hear it I want to shout, “Why would it be a problem?”

“You probably never heard of”
You are assuming ignorance.

“I don’t want to bore you”
This statement is boring. Often it is a false apology before you proceed to bore them.

“Don’t hesitate to call me”.
Starts with two negatives instead say, “Call me”

“If it’s no trouble”
Two negatives. Just say what you have to say.

“Would you object to?”
Don’t start with a negative. State what you are offering. Try, “Here is my suggestion”, “This might help

“Don’t you agree?”
I don’t know how to answer this question. Instead use, “Do you agree?”


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