Richard Rose spoke of Zen often and gave a number of formal talks on the subject:
- 1970s - Definition of Zen
- 1976 - Zen and Esoteric Christianity
- 1977 - Psychology of Zen
- 1977 - Zen and Common sense
- 1986 - Zen is Action
- undated - Zen and Death
and besides these explicit titles he mentioned Zen in virtually every one of his recorded talks.
RR's own experience with Zen stemmed from his interaction with Alfred Pulyan, whom he personally met after his own experience, and from whom he learned the science of transmission.
RR was highly critical of mainstream Zen and he used authors such as Philip Kapleau and Alan Watts as examples of what to avoid in Zen systems.
At the same time he approached the subject from various angles:
- By laying out the philosophical basis of the science in the manner espoused by Hubert Benoit (The Supreme Doctrine) and JJ van der Leeuw (Conquest of Illusion).
- By his use of rapport as a method of transmission ("Direct-Mind") and advocacy of rapport as a method to be learned in the groups.
- By his own very personal style of confrontation, and advocacy of a method of confrontation to be used in the groups.
- By his insistence that logic and intuition must both be developed; and that the mind (the intellect) can only take a person so far; but that the power of the mind has to be cultivated and used until it can be transcended.
Links for Albert Pulyan
The Penny That Blots Out the Sun at Spiritual Books Worth Reading
Zen Master Without Lineage & Master of the Lost Art of Transmission - at Self discovery Portal.Com
What is Transmission? - at Self discovery Portal.Com
Excerpts from Pulyan's Correspondence - at Self Discovery Portal.Com
"Pulyan's Published Writings" at Self Discovery Portal.Com
- Page 1 - Pulyan, Timeline & List of Writings
- Page 2 - "The Chessboard: Is It Black or White?"
- Page 3 - "What Is It We Fear in Visitors from Space? That They Might Be Like Us?"
- Page 4 - "The World's Ill-Health: What's Back of It?"
- Page 5 - "Life's Pretty Forlorn, as Some See It"
The Wanderling