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Patanjali & Yoga

Richard Rose's views on Yoga:

Yoga: Hatha, Shabd, and Raja by Richard Rose - This link will open a 5-page PDF file (56KB) at Search Within.Org

This page needs a recount of the many statements RR made throughout his lectures on his experience with hatha and raja yoga. The above PDF file contains some (maybe a sufficient amount) of the problems he had with the lesser forms of yoga as well as his rediscovery in Brunton of a profound conviction RR had developed later about the reverse vector. What is missing from the PDF is any connection that may exist between RR's views on energy transmutation within the context of yoga, as well as the clear connection of some of his ideas with Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, of which a famous translation by Vivekananda entitled Raja Yoga must have been read by RR or anyone who studied Raja Yoga in his day. The ancient analysis of inner states by Patanjali, the various "modifications of the mind", may provide an alternative view of what RR outlined in Psychology of the Observer, covering the various types of inner vision and the points of view which comprise the Jacob's Ladder diagram.

Ramakrishna - Vivekananda