The following concise summary of principles appears as an appendix in Hartmann's book Magic White and Black
A New Guide on the Path for Those Who Desire to Follow the Practical Way
1. Know that All is One.
2. Know that everything is Thyself.
3. Know that the One in a state of vibration produces the great multiplicity of forms and activities in the Universe.
from the cover of Alchemy by Franz Hartmann
4. Know that if you examine this multiplicity from the standpoint of your intellectual reasoning, you will arrive at the following deductions:
5. Everything that you call " Life," "Energy," " Substance,” is a Duality.
6. Everything has a tendency to return to Unity.
7. All desire and therefore all suffering originates from duality.
8. Let thy aspiration be for enlightenment.
9. Know that the result of the joys experienced by the attainment of enlightenment is happiness.
10. Rise above the state of condensation.
11. Know that the result of the joys experienced in the state of condensation is suffering.
12. On the road from Unity in motion to tranquility is the state of condensation. It is the cause of your illusions, because you imagine it to be tranquility; and it is the cause of your doubts, because you regard it as the object of your desires. Know that the striving after the unification of the duality is the only source of your will, your desires, and of those joys whose results you call "suffering.”
13. Know that the door for the solution of that which is fixed is what is called "Matter.” from the cover of Symbols by Franz Hartmann
14. Know that everything has to pass through that door.
15. Know that the door for the solution of the fixed is also called "Life.”
16. Know that everything has to pass through that door.
17. And that the long sojourn in "Matter" and the interruption of the voyage by "Life" means retardation in the solution of the fixed and procrastination in the unification of the duality.
18. Enforce the practice of the power of that which is solved over that which is condensed.
19. Direct your attention to the consciousness of that which is dissolved over that which is condensed.
20. Carry this consciousness through all the planes of your being.
21. Elevate your whole body to the capacity to think, to hear, and to see.
22. Cause it thereby to become a fit instrument for the use of your self-consciousness of the One and of your self-power (resulting from unification).
23. Conquer the pains resulting therefrom.
24. When the divine Language is once heard within thy heart - when the King within thy interior has once obtained dominion - when thou hast passed through water and fire, and thy spirit has become the life of thy blood - then you may say: I am, I go, and I remain.
As Seekers, Why Should We Work With Others?
Our purpose here today is to share ideas with the hope of raising the consciousness of the group as a whole, and perhaps each individual, as we work with others of like spirit and mind. We are looking for that mysterious “Force,” to make Its presence known or felt. “Whenever two or more are gathered in My Name, I am in their midst” are the words spoken by Christ. So in our session today, using Hartmann’s material, we are hoping to engage you in a manner that evokes your deepest thoughts, desires, and hopes. Hartmann might say we are encouraging you to discover or reveal the secrets of your Heart.
In order to avoid a lengthy description based on words that point toward vague concepts, we want to turn your focus inward. How can each person sitting here do this? Can it be done by direct effort, or should we relax, mentally, and “allow” it to happen? The answer may well be somewhere in between those two approaches. Right there, I have identified a duality, or polarity, in the personal, “right-this-moment” experience. So the idea is to help you focus on this very moment and identify the dualities or polarities in your lives.
What beliefs are you supporting with your energy and attention that might be distractions or actual obstacles to progress on the Path, or to developing a clearer mind? Consider for a moment, that the struggle to solve the polarities, or dualities, may actually generate the tension and energy needed for a leap of understanding. Thus, we hope to help create a bit of tension for the participants, a Tension that might move someone off dead-center. Perhaps after the weekend, you will carry a pebble in your shoe that will cause you to think about who you truly are, and with that question might come the ultimate Tension, that leads to Realization.
Richard Rose wrote about the Law of the Ladder in The Albigen Papers. In the upcoming exercise, you will employ this Law. Rose said, “We do not visualize a single man upon each rung, reaching down, pulling up the man below. We find that the ladder is ‘A’ shaped, pyramid in form, for one thing. There are less people on the higher rungs than on the lower rungs. We will be lucky if we can find one man who can help us, but we should be working with six or more on the rung below. We also find a new meaning for the brotherhood now. The man above may be pulling up the man below,--but they are pushing him a bit, at the same time.”
Kernels of Wisdom for Truth Seekers
In teams of two, workshop participants read Hartmann’s “New Guide” and then discussed strong impressions or inspirations. Using Hartmann’s statements as a guide or as “seed thoughts,” they wrote at least four of their own statements that reflected their present understanding and experience on the spiritual path. Each team wrote as though they were helping someone else on the path, someone who is on the rung below you (per the Law of the Ladder). This was their opportunity to pass important discoveries—their life notes—to other seekers. What is the most important action that will move the participants further up the Ladder, or along the path?
The following notes were recorded by the participants at the workshop.
Find the time and space to reflect and meditate on an ongoing basis.
Ask the question “Who am I?” in the moment.
Being reflective and using your past dispassionately as a tool for cultivating the doubt sensation.
Believe it is possible that there is more to life than is routinely presented, and that it is possible to find it.
Recognize and notice that inertia and/or momentum will carry you along in its routine unless you make an effort to find “IT”—the other, the hidden
Notice that that inertia / momentum is not just out there (in society) but also ingrained in you, and that it is therefore invaluable that you find others of similar inclination and interest who can help you distinguish and clarify.
Make it a common practice to check in with your body. Take up residence there.
Your greatest irritants are your greatest teacher.
Be still, stay focused, conserve energy, slow down.
Cut the energy ties that bind you to your story
Release your death-grip on your favorite ways to spend energy.
Doubt everything but your ability to doubt.
Keep your head on it!
Don’t rely on an external authority for salvation.
Truth can’t be spoken.
Social acceptance is worthless, don’t pay attention to it.
Negative emotions pass.
A practice by itself will not give the answer.
As thoughts arise during meditation, just let them go.
Duality: the many converges into the all, the all diverge into the many.
Transmit how you see the many converging through the tension of duality to the all (One), through life, actions, arts, or words.
Transmit how you see the “I” in the many forms.
I see myself in each divergent ray.
This is Love.
Commit to an art form (vocal or verbal or personal action) the truth I have become. Your life is an art form.
I see me and God as one. Two or One? = Same God
Dualism vs. Monism, aka Absolute Unity
The experience of the seeker, upon finding the Truth, the Ultimate, or One, will vary according to his expectations and so will the shape of That which is found.
We do not find IT in our seeking, yet it only finds the seeker.
That reality is all there is and that I am.
Truth is known by different names, but is One.
Put first things first (God, the Absolute…) and everything else will fall into place, and the falling into place may or may not be in the way you anticipated.
Stop lying, at least to yourself, about your true motives.
The hard way is the only way for any growing up in consciousness, but watch for any pointless pain.
The personal self is a notion, an idea.
Challenge everything, believe nothing, verify all.
Read in order to verify and know through experience. Until then it is only belief.
Never take another’s word for it. Help others and pass on what you receive.
Truth can never be described in words.
Give yourself time. Look at what’s going on. No matter what someone else may say or do, it always comes back to self-determination as to your responsibility, as everyone is working on their own assumptions, which may or may not be true.
You are your own authority.
I think there is something worth finding.
What do you really, really want?
How do you know what you know?
Are you what people tell you you are?
To thine own self be true.
What do you value most in your own life, now?
Make a list of all your beliefs
Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
Can you see any of the beliefs or assumptions you are operating out of?
Man’s basic dilemma lies in the fact that he does not know the source of his own being. The source is the un-manifested, and from the un-manifested the manifested comes into being. Man identifies with the play of the manifested and believes that to be reality. It is understandable how man would see the manifested as reality, as he cannot perceive the un-manifested. To understand the un-manifested a faculty of discernment is required. The faculty involves the ability to observe the manifested dispassionately.
The faculty would involve learning to accept the manifesting, while not identifying with any results, without attachment or craving. But at the same time one has the desire for an ultimate answer. This can be called, paradoxically, wanting to function in the manifested in a state of purity free of attachments and cravings.
Be honest with yourself. You have the capacity to know. Go with your own gut and intuition.
Nothing is very important except to know who you are.
Consider yourself lucky to have come to the realization that things may not be as they appear.
If you could talk to yourself at a time in the past when you could hear something, “Enlightenment is Real,” the most real thing there is. It’s the most important thing to pursue.
A struggle ensues between the old way of looking and a new way of looking.
I had no questions, only one direction to go, toward non-duality.
Who I really am is just watching things unfolding.
Once you’ve seen them—the illusions—you’re pretty much hooked. The truth is inside you and you find it for your own self.
What would you have told yourself at a young age?
Go for it, realize your dreams!
Your drum is the only one you are supposed to listen to.
This is a valid direction to go in. You can make that your career.
You are right about you. Follow your interest with no apologies because it is the only thing that is right for you. No other direction is ultimately valid for you. Anything else is someone else’s game, and therefore, invalid.
Fulfilling your own unique individual potential is the royal path. When a person completes their pattern, they have done what they’re here to do. They can go now.
What I’ve found to be true: everything changes, nothing stays the same.
There is a sense of presence/awareness.
What I recommend to a new seeker: Don’t believe anything, find out for yourself.
Go for it, just do it, be courageous and intense.
Don’t ever expect to be ready; life hits hard.
You can do nothing.
Do you know that you know nothing?
For most including myself, spirituality is a game.
The question of whether life has meaning can be apprehended via an inquiry into what is consciousness.
Consciousness has to be studied in the first person, i.e., in oneself.
The thinking mind is incapable of understanding life, death, or even consciousness.
Meditation is useful in studying consciousness, both koan meditation and effortless meditation.
Reading enlightened teachers such as Ramana or Nisargadatta is helpful in providing direction, i.e., methods and models.
There are people who put self-honesty over wishful thinking and say there is an answer to all existential dilemmas, but that you must look for yourself, you can’t be told, and these people find the same thing. And they say it was worth the cost.
It is possible to get firsthand knowledge of your own psychology.
There aren’t many but there are some serious seekers [who want] a non-deluded answer to existential angst.
There are some people who claim to have found an answer, alive today who are less likely to be deluded.
The method of arriving at truth is backing away from untruth.
Confrontation is as important as inspiration.
The fear of death is good because it keeps you searching.
You don’t have to settle for less than you want out of life.
Most people get stale or go off on a tangent with self-delusion. You have to stay vigilant.
This moment could not be any different without disrupting the entire universe.
All matter is essentially void.
The basic underlying motivation in all matter, in all things, is to improve, to grow. It wants to evolve, from dust to dust.
Love is responsible for a universe to be; there’s attraction between two objects, tension between the sun and the earth. If there’s no love, the universe dies.
What is important is integrity over sensitivity.
Know that the self / mind or “I” appears to be scattered, but they can be brought together by maintaining a state of introspection while examining the scattered pieces. It is important to take ownership of the scattered pieces before you can get a sense of the whole.
Nothing can be done without the conservation of energy.
One must isolate oneself from sources of negativity.
One’s search is very personal. It cannot be done in the abstract. You can study things, but the search must come back to one’s self.
The answer is in awareness, not thought.
A single awareness is behind our minds.
If you are determined and apply enough energy to any goal you will be successful, including the goal of finding your self.
Celibacy will lead to greater clarity of mind and a conservative lifestyle.
Confronting your thinking leads to greater clarity in thinking.
It seems that everything I’ve “known,” “seen” or “experienced” is contained within consciousness, so as fascinating or mysterious as “creation” is, the bare fact of consciousness or awareness seems to be the root of it all. I suspect that looking at this may lead somewhere.
Silence, quiet, is valuable.
Take some time to do nothing, otherwise the mind plans and budgets all your time. Doing nothing may allow new thoughts or [illegible] to be realized.
Look for yourself. All authorities, teachings, words, people—let them loose. Notice the ways you (or “the mind”) gravitates toward these things.
We don’t know things for sure. Can you even clearly see what a “thought” is?
Eat healthy, don’t do too many drugs. Get rid of your TV.